CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor, Detoxification, Paracetamol

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15 Oct 2016
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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Difficulties of all this: type of exposure injecting something, swallowing, snorting is not the same thing, biochemical individuality not everyone reacts the same way to drugs, acute and chronic effects different to evaluate, teratogenic effects effects on the embryo of the mother, toxin recognition what is the toxin, animal model the human is not a giant rat and there are differences between what tests positive on a rat vs on a human, psychological factors placebo effect. Phase i enzymes: do something to a foreign substance to make it more soluble so that it can be eliminated. o the cytochrome p450 family of enzymes are the most important phase i enzymes o they recognize a foreign substance that might have a danger and eliminate it. o for example: bbq meat runs the risk of being exposed to polycyclic and aromatic molecules this substance is not soluble so the body wants to get ride of it.