CHEM 183 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Jeffrey Wigand, Cold Turkey, Youth Smoking

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CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
CHEM 183 Full Course Notes
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Tobacco: comes from tobaccos (rolled leaves natives smoked) Tobago in the caribbean: nicotine: named after jean nicot, introduced it to france, at first used as a medicinal drug: nicotine (good for everything they said) Tobacco resuscitator (1774: for reviving person apparently dead , placed near rivers. People stopped killing each other: late 1800s, typical smoker: 50 cigarettes/year, saved for special occasions, today, 5000 cigarretes/ year. 4,800 chemicals in cigarette smoke: 400 toxic, 40 carcinogenic xi. People that get hooked on smoking lacked oral stimulation as babies: no sucking on breasts/bottles xiv. Long term effects: effects on the heart, nicotine and carbon monoxide, number one problem associated with smoking: heart disease, decreases oxygen uptake, increased heart rate/blood pressure, increased arterial walls injuries. Sylvie bernier 1984: a diver that won a gold medal: prime minister was a very heavy smoker, congratulated her and was at the same time smoking, she broke his cigarette in half xvi.