BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Cytochrome C, Uniformitarianism, Convergent Evolution

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Basically tried to explain where the change of animals come from. Flaw was that he didn"t know that acquired traits have their impact on somatic cells. Assumed that somatic cells contained the same info that gets passed on (thought that somatic cells and germ cells were the same) Said that the environment changes the animals (transformation) Change of essence in a rapid time period. Came up with the idea of natural selection. Hms beagle - originally a commerce ship. Darwin wrote notes and sent them back to england. He was rich - stayed home and worked on his stuff. Traits get passed down - survival of the fittest. Lamarck thought that each species was different and evolved over time (and more complex) Didn"t think of evolution, survival of the fittest. Said that species have changed over time (after looking at other works)