BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Spontaneous Generation, Essentialism, Meiosis

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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He tries to describe where the change comes from (i. e. the environment) Acquired traits have their impact on the body of the somatic cells- somatic cells can change over time. Lamarck assumed that all cells in all organisms of a species will always pass on. These don"t hold the genetic information which hand down the traits. Infusoria - i. e. : f you let water sit, things will grow in it. Species are changing and are constantly being regenerated from the bottom. (see graph) The essentialist explanation of change has been disproved by lamarck. Both darwin and wallace present natural selection. However, darwin has many more examples than wallace. Wallace is seen as a person that supported darwin. Darwin takes this trip, its role was not inherently for biodiversity. But he wants to collect things around the world. He collected bugs, animal parts, plants, etc. He wrote notes on everything about the diversity of continents.