BIO 2133 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Dosage Compensation, Spermatogenesis, Barr Body

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In mammals, mitochondria are only inherited from the mother, not the father. Mitochondrial inheritance: dna in mitochondria contain genes for oxidative phosphorylation, leber optic atrophy mutation in mitochondrial dna, offspring inherit mitochondria from mother. If the female is affected, all her offspring will be affected: some species it"s a paternal line of mitochondrial dna or it can be an equal inheritance. Types of gene regulation: spatial regulation, temporal regulation, conditional regulation. Control of gene expression in eukaryotes: transcription levels: basal transcription state: high levels of transcription, changes in chromatin structure help reduce basal transcription. Euchromatin: open structure: tends to contain most housekeeping and other actively expressed genes. Transcriptionally inactive dna -> active dna: need remodeling proteins remove or reposition nucleosomes, 1- destabilize chromatin structure: allow access to promoter, dnase hypersensitive (dh) sites are at the 5" ends of genes, 2- histone acetyltransferases (hats)