BIOA01H3 Lecture : lecture 6 for BGYA01
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The organization of cells into an organism. The methods of acquiring their building materials and energy. All right so far we have talked about the macromolecules that make up the cell, and we have lloked at the process by which cells make their dna, rna and proteins. The carbohydrates and lipids are made in biochemical pathways that are controlled by the enzymes. Now i would like to look at how the proteins , carbohydrates and lipids are organized into cells and cellular structures, and where the dna and rna are found and organized. Scientists have studied organisms, living and extinct, and have placed them into groups of related organisms. The kinds of properties they consider when classifying organisms are: Current classification schemes group the living and extinct species into three domains. The three domains are bacteria, archaea, and eukarya. The tree diagram of figure 1. 11 illustrates the idea that the first type of organism diverged into two types of organisms.