1)What type of cell allows the immune system to respond morequickly if the same antigen is encountered a second time?
B)memory cells
E)natual killer cells
2)why is the heart divided funtionally into two separate pumpsthat work in series?
A)because arteries carry blood away from the pump and veinsbring blood back to the pump
B)because blood decreases in pressure as it travels throughcirculation
C)because vessles in the vasculature keep blood moving in onedirection'
D)because there are four chambers to the heart
E)none of the above-the heart contracts in unison and is notdivided into two pumps
3)which of the following statements is correct?
A)Na+,K+, Ca2+ and Cl- are all more concentrated in theEXTRACELLULAR fluid
B)Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Cl- are all more concentrated in theEXTRACELLULAR fluid
C)Na+, Ca2+, and Cl- are all more concentrated in theEXTRACELLULAR fluid
D)K+, ca2+ are more concentrated in the EXTRACELLULAR fluid
E)K+, Ca2+ are more concentrated in the EXTRACELLULAR fluid
3)During skeletal muscle contraction:
A)the width of the H-zone decreases
B)the actin heads bind to myosin chain
C)ATP hydrolysis requires Ca2+ as a cofactor
D)tropomyosin changes conformation when Ca2+ binds
E)all of the above occur during skeletal muscle contraction
4)The rapid depolarization phase of myocardial contratile cellaction potential is due to the movement of which ion(s)?
A)Ca2+ flows into the cytosol
B)K+ flow out of the cytosol
C)Na+ flow into the cytosol
D)Ca2+ flow out of the cytosol
E)K+ flow into the cytosol
5)You are a physiology graduate student asked to study theeffect of ion permeability on the initiation of action potentials.You have isolated a cell with resting membrane potential of -70mVand have determined that the cell's threshold voltage is -55mV. Youthen change the cell to make it less permeable to K+ ions(Eions=-90mV)
With all ther condition staying the same, has cell's restingmembrane potential been DEPOLARIZED or HYPERPOLARIZED; and will thecell require a greater or smaller stimulus to reach threshold?
A)hyperpolarize; smaller
D)depolarized; smaller
E)none of the above answers are possibe
6)Skeletal muscle cells are UNUSUAL in that they :
A)lack smooth endoplasmic reticulum
B)have no mitochondria
C)depend entirley on anaerobic respiration
D)have MULTIPLE nuclei
E)none of the baove are found in the skeletal muscle cells
7)What is the name for the autonomic nervous system synapses atthe neuroeffector?
A)electrical synapses
B)axon viscosities
C)bidirectional synapses
D)axon varicosities
E)light bulb synapse
8)Which cytokines are involvedin making cells resistant toviruses?
A)colony-stimulating actors
D)major histocompatibility complex
E)none of the above can make a cell resistant to a virus
9)If a person switiches from normal breathing to more shallowbreathing, whcih statement is true
A)tidal volume decreases
B)alveolar PO2 decreases
C)alveolar ventilation decreases
D)"a" and "b"
E)"a", "b', and "c"
10)Which scenerio supports hyperpolarization of pre-synapticcell?
A)allowing Cl- ions into the cell
B)allowing K+ ions to leave the cell
C)allowing Ca2+ ions into the cell
D)"a" and "b"
E)"a", "b", and "c"
11)The gap junctions in cardia muscle are part of specializedcell junctions that are localized to the__________.
A)transverse tubules
B)intercalated discs
C)Interdigitated fingers
E)high-end shppoinf malls
12)What role does myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) play insmooth muscle cell contraction?
A)dephosphorylates myosin
B)phosphorylates actin
C)phosphoylates myosin
D)dephosphorylates actin
E)both "a" and "c"Given that your forearm is 30cm long and yourbiceps inserts 2 cm away from your elbow joint, how much force mustyour biceps exert to hold up a 10kg weight?