GGRA02H3 Lecture : lecture 3
Document Summary
Scale - everything happens through a scale (an hierarchy of scales - individual to universal, beyond earth) Things are all happening at the same time at different scales - what are the connections between these processes @ regional, national, local scale. Label people culturally [ (from africa african) differences between north and south, or within the country - many differences] Spatial interaction - flows of goods, services, information, people across space. Increase in spatial interaction has occurred with improvements in technology. Spatial interaction is the most significant concept in understanding globalization. Global and local, person and global - instantaneous and brings/makes the world so small so time & space is absolute. communication of information and the communication of ideas, communication of technology, communication of wealth -- overcome space. Hamilton (main industry: steel), geographic location for transportation at lowest cost - growing economic region - export for finished products - for economy in.