GGRB28H3 Lecture Notes - Dying Young, Diarrhea, Yellow Fever
Document Summary
Rising global inequalities rich get richer, poor get poorer. Turn towards the market less money spent on health care. More connection w/new people and environments = more diseases. In some countries you are asked to get yellow fever shot so you won"t get the disease in that environment. Greater global inequalities lead to more disease/ill health: more people in sub optimal conditions /no access to good food services / health deteriorates. Weakening of global health institutions: lack public funding = reduction in global health institute leave welfare state, who and unicef funding decreases, weak institutions = health decrease overall, less people on ground to detect health outbreak. Lyme disease passed dear tick-> human. Outbreak: stereotype = africa and traditional medicine. Contagion: show globalization = transfer of disease, looking at asia as hub for disease. 2 key things: types of societies we create will allow certain diseases to flourish, health policies in different periods and how change as we change.