HLTB15H3 Lecture 3: Lecture 3 notes
Document Summary
has relevance for healthcare professionals, not just looking at specific etiologies; roles change in discharge and treatment. therefore research and healthcare professionals evolve for better care overall. Illness is a subjective feeling; one would feel. Disease refers to a condition where the body or parts of body don"t work; medical reason for diagnosis; pathological reason; objective measure. A)high cholesterol person; can be diagnosed- but that person feels completely ok, there is a disease but no illness. Stress, genetic disposition, social supports: broad factors interplay in all 3 umbrellas of social, psych, and bio. Dr. craig- canadian institute for the relief of pain and disability application of bps in terms of managing chronic pain. Increasingly widely accepted that one needs to understand bio roots but also its psych impact and social factors that relate to it www. notesolution. com. Bps model- pain and pain related disability- psych factors important in determinants social dimensions have been ignored.