HLTB21H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Phase-Contrast Microscopy, Cholera Riots, Antibiotics

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9 Dec 2015

Document Summary

Max van pettenkofer (1818 1901), scientific hygienist. Drunk a vial of bacteria contaminated water when koch isolated. Did not get sick, but he had diarrhoea and previous exposure to steadfastly refused to believe in the germ theory theory that different vapours from the air reacted with the soil cholera pathogen. cholera. Failed to prove that the disease was a miasma, and had personal issues lost wife and kids, and then took his life in 1901. Miasmatists were winning until the evidence of contagionists came. Miasmatists (social) while contagionists were more conservative and along. antisocial. Believed in the germ theory" announced by pasteur (1862) Diseases spread from person to person by an infectious agent. Described as the history of pandemics: 1816 1821: originated in india (river ganges) and was spread by, 1829 1851: more widespread, reaching europe, canada, and the us mainly by british troops, headquarters in bengal. 1831 mortality of 13% in cairo, egypt.

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