MDSA01H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Autocomplete, Communication Theory, Personalization

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3 Nov 2016

Document Summary

The act of putting ideas into words, visuals, audio or other medium of communication. Simplifies and interprets the object or event described (no newspaper accurately represents the story being reported. Always a simplification) (individuals as receivers of information do a auto-complete. We add to the meaning that we take from any given media content. Receiver must decode or interpret the communication to understand the idea. Representation can also be read as re-presentation, starts to communicate that the ideas that are being represented are in fact the translation of one"s original ideas. (eg: taking a photo, re-presenting the image you are seeing. These concepts developed in the linguistic theory of ferdinand de saussure. Sign: anything with meaning (eg: words, images, sounds, objects. ) Signifier: the aspect of a sign that we experience. Signified: the idea or mental concept drawn from the signifier. Icon (or an iconic sign): a sign that looks like the object it represents (eg: map: city)

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