MGHB02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Group Development, Group Cohesiveness, Job Design
Document Summary
Group: consists of two or more people interacting interdependently to achieve a common goal; ex. Group work via email; interdependence means that group members rely on each other to accomplish goals. Employees that report to a manager; production manager and 6 shift supervisors; hierarchy is a series of formal interlocked work groups. Task forces/project teams: temporary groups that meet to achieve particular goals (ex. Productivity improvements); committees: permanent groups that handle recurrent assignments outside the usual work group structures. Informal groups: emerge naturally in response to the common interests of organizational members; can help/harm an organization. In theory, the more the merrier; in fact, large groups are less satisfied than smaller group members: size and performance. Additive tasks: we can predict potential performance by adding the performances of individual group members together; ex. Building a house; we can estimate speed of construction by adding individual carpenters; performance of group increases with group size.