MGHB02H3 Lecture Notes - Motivation, Peter Salovey, Work Motivation
Document Summary
B/c of need to increase productivity to be globally competitive. Result of rapid changes to contemporary organizations. Requirements for flexibility and attention to customers that necessitate higher levels of initiative. Motivation: extent to which persistent effort is directed toward a goal. Effort: -- strength of a person"s work-related behaviour. - amount of effort person exhibits on the job. Persistence: -- persistence that individuals exhibit in applying effort to their work tasks. Ex. researcher who makes discovery early in career and then does nothing for. Direction: quality of work workers should channel persistence in direction that benefits organization. Correct decisions (stockbroker advises clients instead of playing comp. games) increase probability that persistent effort is turns into organizational outcomes. Goals: motivated behaviour has some goal or objective to which it"s directed. May include high productivity, good attendance, creative decisions can also be motivated by goals contrary to organizational goals. Motivated by factors in external environment or be self motivated.