PSYA02H3 Lecture 2: Lecture 2

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30 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Psychological research to understand the average human nomothetic. Some areas of research tries to understand why and how some humans differ research from other individual differences work focuses in some qualities intelligence and personality. An issue that society is very interested we put a lot of money to maximize our intelligence. Populace leads to a better country, more innovation, stronger economy power. Ability to measure intelligence might be beneficial. Allows you assess whether certain educational approaches lead to higher levels of success. Allows one to tailor a child"s education to their current abilities. Opened a tent and earned money by measuring people"s body first to notice that anything you measure are roughly the same length. The quicker you process information, the more intelligence you are . Measuring intelligence in some way that could inform the information system. Reflected by performance on variety of paper-and-pencil tests. E. g. imagery, attention, comprehension, imagination, judgements of visual space, memory, etc.

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