PSYA02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Reinforcement, Object Permanence, Operant Conditioning
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He also asked people to make quick decisions. Speed of information processing theory reason why some people are more intelligent that others is because they are wired" better, people who can process information faster than others. The more efficient the neural wiring, the smarter the person is. Binet charged with the task of finding a way to measure children"s intelligence. Example mental age is 7, age is 5, iq is 7/5*100 = iq of 140. Created a test where an average human will score 100 with a 16 standard deviation. Check the slide (current vision) for the criteria of the new test. Test was written in white" language, there was a subculture in harlem (they have their own language) so they are not doing well. Someone wrote a black" test in a way harlem kids spoke to one another. Critical point is the way we use to measure intelligence (ie, differences in language).