PSYA02H3 Lecture 6: Lecture 6
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N what is intelligence: mental skill, whether intelligence is just a general mental skills or think of people having specific skills intelligence many things. Issue here whether intelligence one skill you good at one thing you good at others or whther many skills involved. If person good at one than he should be good at others: look at athletes is athleticism one skills or many different skills, runner -> soccer, biking tennis -> hockey. Just like athleticism intelligence is not a single ability. N autistic savant syndrome: savant(genius-french, very rare case in which an individual with an iq that is well below average has an exceptional talent in a particular area, very autistic challenged, but good at one single thing. S calendar calculation (given date, they know day of week) S great musical ability despite the lack of formal training. If yes suggests they belong to same factor/theme: table 11. 1 textbook: S results of factor analysis on wais subtests.