PSYA02H3 Lecture Notes - Content Word, Nim Chimpsky, Noam Chomsky

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Language can be broken down into elements at several levels. Not ever one can read & write but they can speak. In this chapter we will look at spoken language. E. g. the sentence: the players talked to the fans. Phonemes: smallest unit of sound in language. We can decompose the code. e. g. da pley ar z tak t tuw da f a n z [bits & pieces of sound]. Phones clumped together are called morphemes: it give the meaning to the language. e. g. the play er s talk ed to the fan s. Sever morphemes are brought together to produce word. e. g. - words come together to produce phrases. Then phrases together talked to the fans the players talked to produce sentences. It is the smallest significant units of sound in a language. To be producing speech we need energy. Column of air in our lungs that originates in lungs. Producing air pressure that sends air out of our mouth.

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