PSYB10H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Idiosyncrasy, Meta-Analysis, Normative Social Influence

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24 Jan 2017

Document Summary

A like or dislike toward someone or something. Attitude object: the target of the attitude. The thing about which you hold an attitude. Can be a thing / person / idea. What you feel about something: behavioral. What you are likely to do: cognitive. Valence: bipolar dimension from good to bad. Intensity of the attitude: how arousing the object is. A like or dislike toward an object that is stored in the form of a statement and of which you are fully aware: these types of attitudes are those that you can put in words. Explicit attitudes are propositions: a statement or assertion that expresses a judgment or opinion. You always know what your explicit attitudes are. E. g. ice cream good: measured in terms of reaction times. Which comes first: belief about something, behavior in relation to that thing. Literature supports that behavior first and foremost affects belief. Change in behavior change in attitude.

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