PSYB65H3 Lecture : Lecture 02

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3 main fissures ( when sulci gets really deep called fissure: longitudinal fissure right down the middle separate right & left hemisphere, central sulcus / fissure on each hemisphere it separates anterior & postcentral gyrus anterior parietal lobe: sylvian/ lateral fissure separates lobes at the bottom beneath the fissure is the temporal lobe. Its puts info together to make some sense) means most recent in evolution. most evolved animals have greater percentage of associational cortex relative to primary cortex. brodmen decided to map brain according to functions put # s on it used today. primary cortex have # s: frontal : 4 &6, parietal 3, 1 &2, occipital 17 (primary receptive area for vision info from eyes, temporal 41 (primary receptive are for ears hearing) beings anterior portion of brain continue back until it hits central sulcus.

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