SOCA01H3 Lecture 4: Lecture 4

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26 Jul 2010
Thursday October 1, 2009 - Lecture 4 Methods Does Media Violence Create Violence?
Today: Read BRYM Chapter 2, UNGAR Chapter 3&4
-Conjectures: Conclusion or judgment formed based on incomplete information.
-Testing: Work of science.
-Refutations: Argument, statement or evidence that proves a claim to be wrong.
-Predict to real world? Ex. Sending spaceship to the moon, weather forecast,
-Way of assessing validity and confidence in out knowledge.
-Begin with a question. Ex. Does violence in the media affect violent behaviour? (Needs to be
more specific)
-Once question is formulated, you review the literature. Select a theoretical approach and a
A Theoretical Approach: Social Learning Theory
-People imitate behaviour of models by using similar other and using successful models.
-Specifies a relationship between two or more variables. (A testable statement)
-Ex. Observed aggressive behaviour on television Æ increased violence in children.
Selecting Method: Research Design
-Systematic plan to test hypotheses and eliminate alternative explanations.
-Each design has strengths and weaknesses. Triangulate designs: using a number of them.
-Look at 4 designs today, they include:
1. Correlational
2. Natural Experiment
3. Laboratory Experiment
4. Survey
Correlational Design
-Show violence on TV has increased in the real world increase.
-Assume there is a relation between the two over time.
1. Measure TV violence.
-Longitudinal content analysis on TV.
-Random sample of TV shows.
-Systematic counts of aggression.
2. Issues in measuring TV violence.
-What shows? (Adult/ kids)
-How to measure aggression?
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Document Summary

Today: read brym chapter 2, ungar chapter 3&4. Conjectures: conclusion or judgment formed based on incomplete information. Refutations: argument, statement or evidence that proves a claim to be wrong. Way of assessing validity and confidence in out knowledge. Does violence in the media affect violent behaviour? (needs to be more specific) Once question is formulated, you review the literature. People imitate behaviour of models by using similar other and using successful models. Specifies a relationship between two or more variables. (a testable statement) Observed aggressive behaviour on television increased violence in children. Systematic plan to test hypotheses and eliminate alternative explanations. Look at 4 designs today, they include: correlational, natural experiment, laboratory experiment, survey. Show violence on tv has increased in the real world increase. Assume there is a relation between the two over time: measure tv violence, issues in measuring tv violence. Only matter if rate changes in a matter of time.

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