SOCA02H3 Lecture : You're welcome

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When a society overcomes first order problem, they start to notice environmental degradation. The cleanest societies are the most developed societies. Green ceiling point of transition from industrial development to environmental consciousness, after they accumulate enough wealth. Roman aristocracies used lead pots to cook, and many of them went crazy because lead kills brain cells. Green ceiling is falling because it is easier to develop now since there are many developed nations to receive help from. Hernando de soto he argued for property rights in latin american nations. Deviance is any behaviour that violates cultural norms. Non criminal deviance not against the law (dying green hair) Creation of new technology needs the creation of new laws. Criminal deviance when someone violates a law. canadians feel that criminal deviance is on the rise. Labelling theory when someone is given a negative label (like criminal), they see it as a negative stigma, and they will eventually live up to the stigma.