SOCA02H3 Lecture : Crime and Deviance
Document Summary
Deviance is anything that goes against cultural norms, some norms carry no criminal sanction. Juvenile delequincy, juveniles tend to be treated differently under the criminal code: the age someone is charged in court is set by the government and it does vary by circumstance. Labelling is when you charge someone with a crime, when they come to court they have a criminal label" or a stigma. When people are stigmatized they tend to live to their stigma: self-fulfilling prophecy, most juvenile offenders are male. Their offences range from b&e (break and enter), grand theft auto (stealing cars): both crime and deviance involve social reactions that help define the seriousness of the rule-breaking incident, drugs are victimless crime. Before 1940 only poor people commit crime: drew attention to high prestige people commit crime. www. notesolution. com, white collarcrime costs society billions of dollars than common crimes. 50 billion dollars www. notesolution. com: martha steward got sent to jail for 6 months.