SOCC26H3 Lecture : Week 8 Lecture Note

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F rank lloyd wright broadacre city: frank lloyd wright = the final utopian thinker, brilliant architect, completely convinced genius, grew up in wisconsin, poor student, left home, and ended up in architect office in. In a way, he was the one who built modernistic house, his idea was what society and cities looked like, came up with utopian notion/ideal city called broadacre city. but not everybody wants to be farmers and live out in the countryside, basically have a distance among others. you can"t be certain with this universal ownership of land that everybody will hold onto their one acre unless you restrict places, there are all sorts of ways to lose: no rent. everybody will then go from being renters to owners. this suggests that renting is an urban evil, renting is what gives rise to owning. do away with renting and landlords, and everybody becomes the land owner.

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