VPHA46H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Yi Gu, Christian Art, The Red Dot

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13 Jan 2019

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Vpha46h3 f ways of seeing: introduction to arts history | week 5. Office hours: hw 507a 15:30-19:30 monday, or by appointment. Identifiable christian art only survives from the 2nd century onwards due to the restriction of the religion in rome. In early christian art, it is unlikely to see a cross included since the religion was prohibited at that time. Symbolism in early christian art: fish: used to substitute jesus, anchor: representation of hope, safety, and future existence, the good shepherd: used to substitute jesus. In buddhism, early art didn"t include the figure of buddha himself. Since the buddha is a human instead of a divine character, it was not worshipped in the same way as other religions. In the 2nd century, the figure of buddha started to appear in buddhism art. He is always sitting on a throne, frontal, with lions in support beneath. The red dot between the eyebrows: the 3rd eye.

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