VPHA46H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Florentine Codex, Yi Gu, Stained Glass

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13 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Vpha46h3 f ways of seeing: introduction to arts history | week 8. Office hours: hw 507a 15:30-19:30 monday, or by appointment. Colonization: the ownership of a piece of land(usually oversea) was forced to given to another leader/empire. Territorial expansion: the kingdom/country started from where it were. Several things to keep in mind: a place that was once colonized could suffered from multiple colonization, colonists have different ways of colonization, not all of them used violence to conquer (e. g. : the. Portuguese empire was called the trade post empire . ) Local arts recorded/embraced colonists as well (page 4, picture on the right). In works of art, we can see movement/exchange pf goods. In this week"s viewing assignment, we got to know the interesting history of vermeer"s painting (page 5). Page 6 shows us a painting included exotic luxury goods. We can find luxury goods from middle east often in paintings of women. Here is a famous painting on page 7.

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