BIO230H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Melanosome, Dynamin, Neutrophil

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BIO230H1 Full Course Notes
BIO230H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Membrane trafficking: exocytosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis, protein organization, microtubules and actin filaments. Processes require control and dynamic changes to the pm. Cells can be polar with two different ends. Example: epithelial cells with apical/basal or nerve cells. Different proteins exist on each side as a result. There"s a start point and a destination - er to pm or vice versa. Example would be the tgn or the early endosome. A protein can go either way - forward or backwards. Not just proteins - lipids and other molecules included. Proteins stay in the secretory vesicle in the cytosol. Signal (like ca in neurons) will cause release into the ec space. In both pathways, the following can be used. Mature secretory vesicle: golgi components and concentrating the cargo. Uses clatherin coats which bud off other vesicles from main one in order to concentrate the contents, shown below. More phospholipids needed to seal off the vesicle that is made.