CLA232H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Tyrant, Kleos, Trojan War

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We are going to be focusing on athens and the classical period for this course. Athens is in attica (i. e toronto is in southern ontario) From myths, athenians believed they were born from the earth. Hephaestus blacksmith god fell in love with athena (who is a virgin goddess), ran, hephaestus ran after her then prematurely ejaculated, from the semen. Athens was born erichthonios she first king of. Authochony = people who are born from the land . Would be very attached to that land, makes them feel superior to for- eigners who would never have the same qualities as athenians so even. If lived, worked and fought in athens still could not be a citizen, even if married an athenian your child still wouldn"t be an athenian (need two par- ents to pass it down) Sense of family, unity and equality amongst the athenian. Attitude towards women -> you are not necessary, we were born from the.

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