GGR252H1 Lecture 2: Lecture 2-January 15
Lecture 2: January 15
Francophone Yuppies in Ottawa: French speaking, young professionals
x You can find this information from census.
CMA: census metropolitan area (need at least 100,000 people)
x Toronto CMA is larger than city of Toronto, goes to Lake Simcoe and east and west.
x If a part of city commutes to bigger city than that city is part of CMA.
x Census tracts are smaller than CMA (about 4,000 people) and is homogenous.
x Only 5 census tracts in Ottawa have French speaking, young adults, and professionals.
x CLUB MED: resort company interested in these people. They are French company. Most of
travel in French speaking locations but now less important. Now they have mini villages where
they can leave their kids because the target market has changed.
Why Target Market?
These are locations where they advertise most strongly so can use less money on advertising and make
more money (successful). Eg advertise on routes of these people to work (in bus shelters).
Ecological fallicy: the 5 census tracts found: the 3 characteristics aUHQ¶WQHFHVVDULO\IURPWKHVDPH
household (from the CLUB MED example).
Note Here
Marketing Geography
1. Geography:
Approaches to the discipline:
x Humankind and environment. Environment impacts human activity and vice versa.
x Regional/place (landscape)- product of physical setting and human activity.
x Locational analysis
x Physical geography (weather, climate, soil, etc.)
a) Economic (share of economy)
b) Social/Cultural/lifestyle
c) Urban landscape/land use
d) Psychology of marketing. Consumer behaviour
e) Recreating
f) Planning/political
g) Employment opportunites
Some geographic contributions to marketing/business decision making:
x Spatial analysis of retail/commercial structure: Supply
x Spatial analysis of demand/market/consumers
x Locational analysis: locational strategy. Which country, city, neighbourhood?
a) Market area analysis: location, shape, composition.
b) Site evaluation: which specify address.
c) Spatial analysis of consumer behaviour
d) Commercial activity as a land use: landscape, place, planning.
Emphasis in this course
Mostly commercial rather than public services (ie hospitals have to serve whole population)
Document Summary
Francophone yuppies in ottawa: french speaking, young professionals. N you can find this information from census. Cma: census metropolitan area (need at least 100,000 people) If a part of city commutes to bigger city than that city is part of cma. N toronto cma is larger than city of toronto, goes to lake simcoe and east and west. N census tracts are smaller than cma (about 4,000 people) and is homogenous. N only 5 census tracts in ottawa have french speaking, young adults, and professionals. N club med: resort company interested in these people. Most of travel in french speaking locations but now less important. Now they have mini villages where they can leave their kids because the target market has changed. These are locations where they advertise most strongly so can use less money on advertising and make more money (successful). Eg advertise on routes of these people to work (in bus shelters).