HIS312H1 Lecture 13: Radicalism and Repression
Document Summary
Sig. minority became sort of radical, but were very loud. Gov"t did best to halt this radical activity. Did the dirty, heavy, dangerous jobs in industries. The dream of eco. success wasn"t working how they had hoped. Wanted to do something about it, changing the systems. English/french speaking canadians shunned them, saw them as dirty, contaminated, the lowest of the low. In terms of their jobs, status in the country. Felt isolated from mainstream canada, so clumped together with their own kind. Felt targeted by police, when they had strikes, faced deportations. Radicalism also spread due to leftist activists who came to canada from euro. Had faced repression in their home countries, forced to leave, and just took up their old left agendas in their own particular communities. Many of the newcomers were peasants, vs. the leaders were from the cities, the leftist leaders. Brought left-wing ideas from euro, which spread greatly in their new communities.