LIN229H1 Lecture : Notes taken during lecture
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Lecture 02: allophonic relations chapter 3 in the book. Allophonic changes governed by rules, therefore predictable. Phonetics is what you hear; underlying is phonological, in the mind, cannot be heard therefore must look at data and infer the underlying representation. T and d are contrastive because they are two different phonemes. Have and had, said and set minimal pairs different only in t and d. Therefore in english, t and d are different phonemes. T versus aspirated t cannot find minimal pairs in english distinguishable only by the difference in aspiration on t. Predictability = test asking native speaker which allophone occurs can answer because the occurance of one allophone is predictable, and thus native speaker may identify which allophone should occur. Note the brackets - // for phonemes, [] for allophones. Phoneme occurs in majority of contexts, while allophone occurs in minority of context(s) Complementary distribution see one where the other is never seen.
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