PHL295H1 Lecture Notes - Milow, Externality, Satisficing

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4 Dec 2011

Document Summary

Organization: a collective body work to a common purposes but problems with this definition, Common purposes; two problems goals tend to change, different members of organization goals and objectives from others and even the boss interested in salary. Organizations are or can be organized around continues operation through coordination of support. Organizations have boundaries, inclusion, membership isn"t something that you can do, you have to be admitted, join organization with approval. The second thing besides the boundary of organization there is internal structure, internal component might have mini boundaries, it has a hierarchy. Division of labour in organization writer is adam smith, in the wealth of nations famous example the pin industry, contrasts how pins are made in a hierarchical organization, page 110 wealth of organization 18 distinct operations in production. When you divide a process up into parts, each part must have coordination,