POL201Y1 Lecture : Lecture #2

110 views3 pages
1 Dec 2010

Document Summary

A transformation from a feudal to a market economy was a very slow process and took about 1600, with the arrival of the industrial revolution. Traditional economy - sons do the same as their fathers, and trade guilds ensure that things are created to a certain standard. Things change in tiny ways, but it functions because its always functioned before. Decision makers decide what should be created and how it is distributed. Until the 19th century, the primary model of economy was traditional and command. Economics, production and distribution really developed as its own eld after the 19th century. The feudal system is interesting because it had to be overcome for the market to emerge. Serfs could not leave or move and were tied to a particular piece of land and lord for generations. It was a social obligation, and it was a relation of economic dependance.

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