PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Psy, Eaves, Univers

PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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Study of people from their birth to death biology vs. culture, nature vs. nurture. Given that they are always intertwined, how can we know whether there is such a thing as innate human nature and what that would look like. Prenatal and infant development progress in highly predictable ways and are largely the result of genetic programming. Of course even prenatal and infant development are affected by environmental factor not strictly by genetic. Teratogens can cause abnormal development in the womb, many chemicals pervasive in the environment are now found in fetus e. g. 200 industrial chemicals in brain of infant. ,3/249078024943,89,90 birth weight, cognitive and physical development. Culture practices sleeping on back vs. front lowers sids - crawling: sleep front develop posture and muscle in infants for crawling (locomotive) Brain development (myelination, formation of connection between neurons) is also dependent on proper environmental stimulation, nutrition, etc. happy kid is good despite not remembering.