SOC102H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Patricia Hill Collins, Feminism, Gender Inequality
Document Summary
Social roles: are the expectations and behaviors associated with particular positions in society. They are also inequalities in relations of male domination and female subordination: dimensions of inequality: 1) power: is the capacity to influence and control others, regardless of any resistance they might offer. 2) material well-being: refers to having access to the economic resources necessary to pay for adequate food, clothing, housing and possessions. (two important sources of material well-being are work-related earnings and accumulated wealth. ) Definition: it assumes that human beings are rational and will correct inequalities when they know about them. Liberalism assumes that a good society is one in which men and women enjoy equal rights and opportunities. Gender inequalities causes by gender stereotyping and the division of work into. C. two main ways to achieve gender equality: Removing gender stereotyping and discrimination in education and paid work.