SOC102H1 Chapter Notes -Intersectionality, Discourse Analysis, Role Theory
Document Summary
Biological differences between male and female probably the basis for social differentiation of the sexes. Sexism the perceived superiority of one sex (most often men) over the other (usually women) Gender the expectations of behaviour or appearance that we describe as masculine or feminine; a set of social expectations. Ways of looking at gender through sociological lenses: Note: all these explanations are compatible with one another. Each focuses on a different aspect of the rise, maintenance, and decline of gender inequality. Here, who is best served by gender inequality: marx: families are the best and cheapest way to raise new workers, and women provide the cheapest family labour, as mothers. Beneficial to capitalists: feminist: women have a different experience from men and may be exploited by men of their own class, as well as by capitalists. Thus, gender inequality mainly serves the interests of men who have someone as subservient to them as they are to their own bosses.