WDW101Y1 Lecture Notes - Essentialism, Vladislav Delay, Shoplifting
Document Summary
Teens ambivalent about gender equality , globe & mail, sept. 23, 2011. What glass ceiling , column by margaret wente, globe & mail, sept. 22, 2011. Job design , two letters to the editor in response to wente"s column, globe & mail, sept. 23, 2011. All are posted on the course website in a folder labeled gender issues in the news . Outlines of your essays due in two weeks. Have you written 1 2 paragraphs indicating the themes or issues you expect to focus on in your paper; and linked these to particular characters, events, or scenes/episodes in the movie? (this can change. ) Have you identified at least 2 course readings and 2 outside readings you expect to draw on in your paper? (these can change. ) Tips on finding readings on-line and searching for academic sources for your essays. A good idea is to use google scholar. For readings, use the journal function on library.