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Jeffrey Buser
Darcy A Hartman
Darcy A. Hartman

Verified Documents for Darcy A Hartman

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 2: Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 2: Lecture 1
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 3: Lecture 2
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Opportunity Cost, Human Capital
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Mineral Industry Of Colombia, Autarky, Absolute Advantage
Property rights and the enforcement of those rights via law system. With autarky the ppc (production possibilities curve) is also the cpc (consumption.
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 4: Econ 2002.01 Lecture 4
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 6: Supply & Demand
Demand : consumer side of market, willingness of people to purchase g/s (goods/services) over a range of prices. Quantity demanded: willingness to purc
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 6: Econ 2002.01 Lecture 6
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Gross Domestic Product, Longrun, Retained Earnings
Total market value of all final newly produced goods & services produced within an economy"s borders by firms & individuals during a certain pe
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 9: GDP
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 10: Unemployment
Population mm gage epinwssninm 4a. in1 non in a. Unwillingto work onmaternitypalenity leave elderlyetc bortorce employed unemployed. Unemployed: willin
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Gdp Deflator, Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase Ii, Market Basket
A general increase in average price level; percent change in price index. A general decrease in average price level. The reduction in average in rate o
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 13: Economic Growth (and Inflation)
Substitution bias: one good becomes expensive so we buy something that"s relatively cheaper instead. Availability of new goods; takes time for new good
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 14: Economic Growth & Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Economic growth & aggregate demand and aggregate supply. An increase in labor productivity is caused by an increase in capital. In a closed economy
ECON 2002.01 Lecture 15: Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
We are assuming g is fixed here. Why is ad downward sloping? because more g/s are demanded at lower pi. Wealth effect (c) : pi decreases raises real va
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Nominal Rigidity, Aggregate Demand, Exchange Rate
Changes in components of the formula above. Transfer payments (tr) increase (more money to spend), ad increases. Changes in variables relative to other
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Money Market Account, Money Market Fund, Savings Account
Money: assets that people use to buy goods and services and that sellers are willing to accept. Asset: anything of value owned by a person or a firm. M
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Fractional-Reserve Banking, Excess Reserves, Reserve Requirement
Review on the shifters of the three curves. Ad = c + i + g + nx (impacts one of these, ad changes) Changes in taxes or transfer payments (like welfare,
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Federal Funds Rate, Dual Mandate, United States Treasury Security
Bank run : everyone tries to take their money out of a bank at the same time. Bank panic : when a bank run happens to multiple banks at the same time.
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Federal Open Market Committee, Open Market Operation, Money Supply
Monetary policy (actions of the fed) - managing the money supply and interest rates (i), strives to achieve economic goals. Dual mandate of the fed: go
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: United States Treasury Security, Retained Earnings, Money Supply
Ms increases: buying treasury securities (i decreases); done in a recession [ms shifts right, i decreases] If i decreases, c, i, nx all increase (ad in
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Phillips Curve, Real Wages
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Phillips Curve, Adaptive Expectations, Real Wages
Real wages = nominal wages/pi * 100. Actual inflation > expected, then real wage < expected, ur decreases (cheaper labor) Actual inflation < e
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Foreign Direct Investment, Capital Account, Interest Rate
ECON 2002.01 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Federal Funds Rate, Monetary Policy, Discount Window
If interest rates increase here, abroad/foreign investors want to invest, money to demand increases. Effect of a budget deficit on i i n. Public saving