
A good cost driver does all of the following except

a. Allocates costs fairly.

b. Helps in controlling costs.

c. Can be traditional or activity based.

d. Provides greater benefits than its cost.

e. All of the above are elements of a good costdriver.

In allocating support services to other support servicedepartments, which method is easiest?

a. Direct method

b. Reciprocal method

c. Step-down method

In allocating support services to other support servicedepartments, which method is most accurate?

a. Direct method

b. Reciprocal method

c. Step-down method

Activity based costing is

a. Generally better than traditional costing, but moreexpensive to implement than traditional costing.

b. Is only suitable for large organizations.

c. Generally not as accurate as traditionalcosting.

d. Is generally less expensive to implement than traditionalcosting.

Which of the following is not true?

a. A price setter usually has a large market share,

b. Price setters must watch costs more closely than pricetakers,

c. A health provider in a competitive market is usually aprice taker,

d. A health care provider can be both a price setter and aprice taker,

e. All of the above are true.

Health care providers are

a. Price takers.

b. Price setters.

c. A price setter or price taker, depending on their costingmethod.

d. Either a price setter or price taker, depending on thecompetition.

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
28 Sep 2019
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