
Identify the organ that corresponds with each of the following functions-1) Organ that allows the male to pass urine and semen leave the from his body; organ that enters the female's body during sexual intercourse.-2) Passage way through which urine and semen leave the penis.-3) Glands that produce sperm and the male sex hormone (testosterone)-4) Muscular sac where urine is stored.-5) Pouch of skin that holds the testes and controls temperature for sperm production.-6) The head or end of the penis: filled with highly sensitive nerve endings; particularly sensitive to stimulation.-7) Passageway for the sperm- 8) Coiled tube system in which sperm mature. A) Scrotum B) Urethra C) Bladder C) Vas deferens D) penis E) Testis F) Epididymis G) Seminal vesicle H) Prostate gland I) Cowper's gland J) Glans penis

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019
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