
Which of the following is a substrate or component of complex IV:

a. FMN

b. CuB

c. oxidized cytochrome c

d. Fe-S protein.

F0F1 ATP synthase:

a. has a c-ring that can only be made of 8-subunits

b. requires 12 protons to make 3 ATP in all mammalian tissues.

c. converts an electrochemical gradient into mechanical energy to drive the removal of ATP from its active site.

d. None of the above.

Throughout the course we discussed the impact that the removal of oxygen would have on cellular metabolism during strenuous exercise and in this last unit applied it to mitochondrial metabolism. Given these discussions we can say that anaerobic conditions:

a. lead to the reduction of each complex in the electron transport chain

b. lead to the accumulation of NADH in the matrix of the mitochondria.

c. lead to a diminished activity of ATP synthase.

d. All of the above.

The addition of 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) to a suspension of mitochondria in which an inhibitor of ATP synthase is present along with the reduced electron carrier succinate will cause which of the following to occur?

a. Proton flow from the N to P-side via complex II.

b. The concentration of NADH to increase in the matrix due to subsequent inhibition of the electron transport chain.

c. Increased rate of oxygen reduction.

d. Decreased flux through complex III.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
28 Sep 2019
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