
EAP HW 22 – The Digestive System

Define digestive tract

Define accessory organs

Provide the 6 functions of the digestive system

Define ingestion

Define mechanical processing

Define digestion

Define secretion

Define absorption

Define excretion

Provide the 4 layers of the digestive tract AND what types of tissue they are composed of

Define peristalsis

Provide the 3 functions of the tongue

Describe how the ingredients of saliva help breakdown food

Define salivary amylase

Provide the 4 types of teeth found in the human mouth AND their functions

Provide the 4 steps of the swallowing process

Define esophagitis

Provide the 2 types of cells found in gastric glands AND their functions

Define pepsin

Define cephalic phase

Define gastric phase

Define intestinal phase

Does absorption occur in the stomach? Explain.

Define circular folds

Define villi

Define microvilli

Define brush border

What organ is the above picture from?

Most of the important digestive processes are completed in the _________________________.

Define carbohydrases

Define lipases

Define nucleases

Define proteases

Provide the 3 general functional roles of the liver

Provide the function of bile salts

Define emulsification

Provide the function of the gall bladder

Define gallstones

Provide the standard screening test for colorectal cancer

Define diverticulosis

Define diarrhea and what causes it?

Define constipation, what causes it, and how do you prevent it?

Where does carbohydrate digestion begin?

Where does lipid digestion begin?

Where does protein digestion begin?

Define lactose intolerance

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019
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