21 Jan 2019

The individual in the opening chapter vignette lost virtually all motor control because the control of our muscles and, hence, our limbs and bodies is heavily influenced by and has to be integrated with our ___. a. proprioception sense b. vestibular sense c. skin senses d. visceral sense . 5 points Question 7 Which cortical area is most important for maintaining information in working memory when a distracting stimulus is introduced? a. Temporal lobe. b. Parietal lobe. c. Prefrontal cortex. d. All of the above. . 5 points Question 8 The anxiolytics that have the highest abuse and addiction potentials are: a. Barbiturates. b. SNRIs. c. Benzodiazepines. d. Tricyclics. . 5 points Question 9 If your grandfather suffered a stroke in his left prefrontal cortex, in what ability would he likely be most impaired? a. Working out a complicated math problem in his head. b. Wondering what the capital city of Nevada is. c. Playing the piano. d. Quickly telling you the value of 3x3. . 5 points Question 10 Major depression: a. Can usually be explained by exposure to prolonged stress. b. Always consists of decreased physical activity. c. Generally appears after midlife. d. None of the above. . 5 points Question 11 According to your text, one of the reasons that some psychologists question the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder is that: a. Symptoms seem to come and go. b. The symptoms are not consistent across diagnosing psychologists. c. The number of diagnosed cases increased from 500 to 5000 over a period of six years. d. They believe it is a popular diagnosis due to movies such as The Three Faces of Eve. . 5 points Question 12 When the differences in body size are accounted for, the average male's brain is ___ than the average female's brain. a. heavier b. lighter c. the same size d. the same ratio . 5 points Question 13 All of the following make it difficult to determine if there are gender-related differences in behavior and cognition except: a. The results show evidence for strong differences, but people do not want to accept them. b. Different researchers tend measure the same characteristic in different ways. c. The differences that exist are relatively small. d. People tend to talk to children dressed as boys or girls in different, subtle ways.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
23 Jan 2019
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