9 Mar 2019

1. You just ate a McDonalds meal deal and your blood glucose levels are soaring. Your pancreas releases an important hydrophilic hormone into the blood in order to deal with these high glucose levels.

Which ribosomes get… (er system secontory pathway)

What is the hormone released by the pancreas and how can liver cells respond to it? (be as detailed as possible)

2. What are two processes that can happen using the glucose that gets taken up by the liver? In order for your liver to take up this excess glucose there must be an increase of transmembrane glucose transports (GLUT4 transporter) on the plasma membrane of the liver. If the glut4 transporter is nonfunctional or if levels on the plasma membrane are decreased, blood glucose levels will be abnormally high. Describe four specific mutations in the protein targeting of glut4 that could cause abnormally high levels of glucose. (The translation of the glut4 messenger RNA by the ribosome is normal.)

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
9 Mar 2019
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