17 Sep 2018

9. Photosynthesis in plants requires the presence of the pigment ______________________, which is produced by _____________________________ within their cells.

10. Cytoskeleton is to animal cells as ______________________________ are to plant cells and bacteria.

11. Integral membrane proteins have both hydrophilic and ______________________regions that allow them to pass through the plasma membrane.

12. The prokaryotic world of bacteria have the most diverse types of _____________________________on their outer surfaces.

13. Some of a cell's __________________ are found on the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

14. The organelle that digests inorganic wastes, like H2O2, is known as the ____________________________.

15. The organelle that synthesizes proteins in eukaryotic cells is known as _____________________________.

16. A signaling molecule may bind to a protein on the surface of the plasma membrane. This protein is known as a/an ________________________.

17. The best analog to our ability to see, hear, smell and taste on the cell level comes in the form of protein receptors in the cell’s ________________________________________.

18. The supportive framework of a cell composed of microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules is known as the ____________________________________.

19. The organelle that contains enzymes for intracellular digestion and programmed cell death is known as the _____________________________.

20. Any solution that is more dilute than cytoplasm, which would cause a cell to swell with water is known as a/an __________________________________ solution.

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
19 Sep 2018
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