28 May 2019


1. Which one of the following is not a determinant of aggregate demand?

a. Investment expenditure

b. Technology

c. Consumption expenditure

d. Net exports

2. An improvement in technology will?

a. Decrease aggregate demand

b. Increase aggregate demand

c. Increase aggregate supply

d. Decrease aggregate supply

3. Oil price changes in the mid 80's are an example of?

a. An exiernal supply shock increasing prices and reducing real income

b. An external supply shock decreasing prices and raising real income

c. An external supply shock increasing prices and reducing real in come

d. An external demand shock inceasing prices and reducing real in come

4. The oil shock in 1979-80 was an example of?

a. An external supply shock decreasing prices and increasing real income

b. An external supply shock increasing prices and decreasing real income

c. An external demand shock decreasing prices and real income

d. An external demand shock increasing prices and real income

5. Which one of the following does not cause the aggregate demand curve to slop downward?

a. Changes in relative prices between foreign and domestic goods

b. Wealth effect

c. Changes in real output

d. Changes in interest rate

6.Which one of the following is not determinant of aggregate supply?

a. Productivity

b. Disposal income

c. Capacity and investment plan

d. Cost and availability of resources

7. Which of the following relationship is correct?

a. Equilibrium employment and full employment may not be the same

b. Equilibrium employment and full employment are not related

c. Equilibrium employment and full employment are always the same

d. Equilibrium employment and full employment are never the same

8. Which of the following was not a factor limiting the severity of effects of the oil sopply shock of 1979-80?

a. Increase in use of alternative sources of energy

b. More efficient use of energy

c. Increased supplies of non-OPEC oil

d. More rapid worldwide economic growth

9. Which one of following does not cause the aggregate demand curve to slop downward?

a. Changes in relative prices between foreign and domestic goods

b. Interest rate changes

c. Wealth effect

d. Chnages in real output

10. With aggregate demand shocks?

a. teh aggregte supply curve moves up the aggregate demand curve and increases price and reduces real income

b. the aggregate demand curves moves up the aggregate supply curve and increases prices and real income

c. the aggregate demand curves moves down the aggregate supply curve and increases both prices and real income

d. the aggregate supply curve moves down the aggregate demand curve and reduces prices and increases in real income

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
31 May 2019
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