13 Dec 2019

Biology questions:

Answer the following multiple questions:

1. Essential elements for communication between cells, whether prokaryotic or eukaryotic, involved:

A. Signaling cell

B. Signaling molecule

C. Receptor molecule

D. Responding or receptor cell

E. All of the above

2. The signaling cell releases a---------------, which is recognized by the ----------------on the responding cell.

A. receptor protein, signal transducer

B. signaling molecules, signal transducer

C. signaling molecule,receptor protein

D. Electrical signal, Target molecules

3. The inactivation of many cell signaling pathways involves the removal of phosphates from the activated targets. What is the name of the enzyme that can dephosphorylate proteins?

A. Kinase

B. adenylate cyclase

C. GTPase

D. Peptidase

E. Phosphatase

4. Which step is not part of signaling pathway Signaling between cells involves four steps?

A. receptor activation

B. signal transduction

C. cellular response

D. signal termination

E. Transcription termination

5. Once the receptor is ACTIVATED, it transmits a message to the cell through the cytoplasm in a process called SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION. This message can remain in the cytosol or go to the nucleus.

A. True B. false

6. RESPOND to the signal involve only in gene expression activation

A. True B. false

7. Signaling termination is a critical point in onset of cancer

A. TrueB. False

8. In multicellular organisms, communication signaling only takes place in short distance between the cells.

A. True B. false

9. Endocrine signaling involves:

A. Cell to cell communication

B. Long distance signaling communication

C. Signaling by means of molecules traveling through the bloodstream

D. A and b

E. B and c

10. In human sex hormones are examples of what type of signaling

A. Endocrine

B. Autocrine

C. Merocrine

D. Paracrine

11. In paracrine signaling what the average distance the signaling molecules will travel

A. Only one cell away

B. 10 cells diameter

C. 20 cells diameter

D. 1000 cells diameter

12. In paracrine signaling, the signal is usually a ------------------------such as -------------------

A. insoluble molecules, actin filaments

B. soluble molecule, growth hormones

C. insoluble molecules, estrogen

D. soluble molecules androgen

13. Autocrine signaling are especially important to multicellular organisms during embryonic development

A. True B. false

14. Paracrine signaling are especially important to multicellular organisms during embryonic development.

A. True B. false

15. There would be no signaling processes in the absence of signaling molecules

A. TrueB. False

16. Which of the following statements about mammalian skin is incorrect?

A. The epidermis is an outer layer that provides a water-resistant, protective barrier.

B. The dermis is the layer below the epidermis containing connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerve endings that provides nutrients to the epidermis and a cushion layer for the body.

C. Epithelial cells in the epidermis are primarily composed of keratinocytes that protect underlying tissue.

D. A specialized form of extracellular matrix, called the basal lamina, underlies the dermis and separates it from tissues below.

E. Fibroblasts in the dermis produce extracellular matrix proteins to make the dermis strong and flexible.

17. What would happen to a cell that depends on flagellar movement if it had no actin?

A. The cell would not be able to move because the cilia would also be affected.

B. The cell would not be able to move.

C. Nothing; the cell would still be able to move.

D. The cell would move by cilia and not flagella.

18. Which is not an example of a motor protein?

A. myosin

B. kinesin

C. venosin

D. dynein

19. Why are the ends of microfilaments and microtubules called “plus ends” and “minus ends”?

A. Because monomers are added more quickly to one end (the “plus end”) than they are to the other end (the “minus end”).

B. Because polymerization occurs at one end (the “plus end”) and depolymerization occurs at the other end (the “minus end”).

C. Because monomers can be added to one end only (the “plus end”), and can only be removed from the other end (the “minus end”).

D. Because the actin and tubulin monomers that make up microfilaments and microtubules have evolved more rapidly than most other proteins.

20. Which one of the following statements about intracellular transport is true?

A. Kinesin and myosin move substances along microtubules.

B. Kinesin and dynein move substances along microfilaments.

C. Myosin and dynein move substances along microfilaments.

D. Myosin moves substances along microfilaments.

For each structure described below, indicate the cytoskeletal element that it best characterizes. Cytoskeletal elements may be used multiple times or not at all. Questions 21-26

A. microtubules B. microfilaments C. intermediate filaments

21. the cytoskeletal elements with the largest diameter

22. the cytoskeletal elements with the smallest diameter

23. double helices of polymerized actin proteins

24. strong fibers of more than a hundred different types

25. hollow tube-like structures made of polymerized tubulin protein dimers

26. proteins in the nucleus that give shape and support to the nuclear envelope

27. Which cell adhesion molecule is particularly good at cell to cell adhesion

A. cadherins

B. integrins

C. myosin

D. actin

28. Which type of cell junction prevents the movement of substances through the space between cells?

A. tight junctions

B. adherens junctions

C. desmosomes

D. hemidesmosomes

E. gap junctions

29. Which one of the following statements about integrins is correct?

A. Integrins indirectly connect microfilaments with the extracellular matrix.

B. There is a single type of integrin, capable of binding to multiple types of extracellular matrix proteins.

C. Integrins are the primary cell adhesion molecule in a desmosome.

D. Adjacent integrins create channels referred to as gap junctions.

30. The dermis of mammalian skin, including that of humans, contains a large amount of extracellular matrix proteins, including collagen and elastin. As a person ages, the amount of elastin in the dermis declines. Which of the following cell types is likely to be the cause of this change in the dermis of the skin?

A. keratinocytes

B. fibroblasts

C. melanocytes

D. epidermal cells

31. The extracellular matrix can influence: A. cell movement.

B. cell shape.

C. gene expression.

D. All of these choices are correct.

36. A kinase is an enzyme that -------------a phosphate group and Phosphatases is an enzyme that --------a phosphate group.

A. Phosphorylate, add

B. add, remove

C. remove, add

D. digest, remove

37. In regards to following statements:

Statement 1: Many cancers arise when something goes wrong with the way a cell responds to a signal that leads to cell division or, in some cases, when a cell behaves as if it has received a signal for cell division when in fact it hasn’t.

Statement 2: Problems with cell signaling that can lead to cancer can take place at just about every step in the cell-signaling process.

A. Both are true B. Both are not true C. 1 Is true but 2 is not D. 1 is not true but 2 is true

38. The extracellular matrix in animals:

A. is located exclusively in muscle tissue.

B. is formed by many types of cells, primarily fibroblasts, on their cell surfaces.

C. is a meshwork of insoluble fibrous proteins, primarily collagens that assemble in a double helix.

D. differs from one tissue to the next, affecting the expression of genes in the cells that it surrounds.

E. is attached to cells by gap junctions.

39. A collection of cells that work together to perform a specific function called.

A. Organ B. Tissue C. System D. species

40. The shape of cells is determined and maintained by structural protein networks in the cytoplasm, called

A. cytoskeleton.

B. Signaling pathway

C. Signaling molecules

D. polysaccharide molecules

45. The cells make up the epidermis layer of skin are called

A. Fibroblasts

B. Keratinocytes

C. Connective tissue

D. Cytoskeleton

46. The structural integrity of a tissue or organ depends on:

A. Cells adhesion

B. Cells adhere to extracellular matrix

C. Cells average size

D. All of above

E. A and B

47. Microtubule are made of protein subunits called

A. Actin monomer B. Cell junction protein

C. ? tubulin and ? tubulin D. Integrin

48. The function of tight junctions is not to anchor the cells together, but instead to prevent passage of materials in between cells.

A. True B. false

49. The extracellular matrix is an insoluble meshwork composed of-------- and -----------

A. lipid, protein

B. Carbohydrate, lipid

C. Proteins, polysaccharides.

D. Cellulose, lipids

50. Metastatic cancer tumor cells pass the blood vessels barrier by mean of:

A. Carbohydrate in extracellular matrix

B. Protein (integrin) of extracellular matrix

C. Will not pass the blood vessels barrier.

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
17 Dec 2019
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