CHYS 1F90 Study Guide - Final Guide: Depth Perception, Heredity, Ableism

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Chys 1f90 terms & definitions (term 1, fall) The genetic make-up and sequencing of an organism. The genetic characteristics you carry, but do not necessarily express, (internally coded) ex. Red hair is a gene that can be carried over through as many as 5 generations back without being expressed. What you express physically from your set of genetic inheritance. A couple can have blue eyes and brown eyes but their child is born with blue eyes and expresses that gene. Complete set of genetics info for humans (human map) ex. Books are created by mixing the alphabet, humans are made from mixing dna. Basic units of the brain that transmit nerve impulses ex. The genetic properties (hereditary and inherited characteristics) or futures or an organism. Sharing qualities with a parent, both having the same like of a certain food. Amount of variety in a trait that is attributed to hereditary influences ex.