RELI 216 Study Guide - Final Guide: Abrahamic Religions, Israelites, Messiah In Judaism

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Discuss some of the ways that this course has affected your perception of religion. Be sure to integrate into your answer specific ideas from the readings, course notes and lectures covered during the semester. This course changed my perception my religion in general. Having grown up catholic and studying jesus and the bible, i was always aware that there was a connection between judaism and christianity. Growing up and learning more about religions, you come to realize that these faiths are very closely related, but unsure how. This course changed my perception of how all religions are interconnected. I was always aware that they were related, but unsure how they actually all came from the same source judaism. Ishamel (muslim) muhammad is considered to be a descendent of ishmael. Isaac (judaism) in the torah, abraham is the ancestor of all israelites through his son. Christianity the christian bible, 1st part: old testament, is derived from the hebrew bible.