RELI 216 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Abrahamic Religions, Kaaba, Omnipotence

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Explain how judaism, christianity and islam relate specifically to abraham. Discuss the differences and similarities in the ways in which abraham is viewed by each of these 3 faiths, paying special attention to the shared concept of covenant. With abraham abraham and other ancestors are chosen to be a special blessing to humanity. Circumcision is the sign of this covenant. (hebrew covenant l2 video) Christianity & islam would also share various new testament heroes. The 3 faiths share many of the same prophets, all acknowledging a common ancestor in abraham. All ascribe similar attributes to god, including creator, sustainer, judge and forgiver. The 3 faiths also share many biblical ethical principles including respect for life, respect for parents and a work ethic that includes giving to charity, doing good deed and avoiding evil. (l5 study notes) Mecca is the site of the kaaba, said to have been built by the prophet abraham and his son.